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50 Things Every Rotarian Should Know About Rotary

15    Sharing Rotary with New Members

Are you aware of the responsibility or obligation most Rotarians fail to perform? Paying their dues? Attending meetings? Contributing to the club service fund? Participating in club events and projects? None of these!
Of all the obligations a person accepts when joining a Rotary club the one in which most Rotarians fail is "sharing Rotary." The policies of Rotary International clearly affirm that every individual Rotarian has an"obligation to share Rotary with others and to help extend Rotary through pro posing qualified persons for Rotary club membership." It is estimated that less than 30 percent of the members of most Rotary clubs have ever made the effort to propose a new member. Thus, in every club, there are many Rotarians who readily accept the pleasures of being a Rotarian without ever sharing that privilege with another qualified individual.
The Rotary policy on club membership states: "In order for a Rotary club to be fully relevant to its community and responsive to the needs of those in the community, it is important and necessary that the club include in its membership all fully qualified prospective members located within its territory" One merely has to glance through the yellow pages of the local telephone directory to realize that most clubs have not invited qualified members of all businesses and professions into RotaryOnly a Rotarian may propose a customer, neighbor, client, supplier, executive, relative, business associate, professional or other qualified person to join a Rotary club. Have you accepted your obligation to share Rotary? The procedures are very simple, and everyone must know at least one person who should belong to Rotary.
Rotary Fun Facts
First Project of World's First Service Club
The first service project of the first Rotary Club was the installation of public toilets in Chicago in 1917. This project made Rotary the World's First Service Club.
Rotary's primary motto is "Service Above Self."
There's a secondary motto: "One profits most who serves best."
There are more than 1.2 Million Rotarians all over the world in more than 35,000 Rotary Clubs in more than 200 countries in all geographic areas.
The first women joined Rotary in 1987. Today, more than 196,000 women are members of Rotary International.
The Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships are the world's largest, privately-funded scholarships.
The first Rotaract Club was formed in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Rotarians in the United States make up 28 percent of all Rotarians worldwide.
The country of Nauru has the least number of Rotarians of any country in the world, 11.
Formerly known as Pleasant Island, Naura is in Micronesia in the South Pacific. Its nearest neighbor is Banaba Island in Kiribati, 182 miles to the east.
The Rotary emblem was printed on a commemorative stamp for the first time in 1931, at the time of the Vienna Convention.
Rotary became bilingual in 1916, when it organized a non-English-speaking Club in Cuba.
Arch Klumph established the "Rotary Endowment Fund" in 1917, when the Kansas City, MO Club donated $26.50.  In 1928, it became The Rotary Foundation.
In 1929, The Rotary Foundation made its first gift, $500, to the International Society for Crippled Children.
Rotary first adopted the name "Rotary International" in 1922, when the name was changed from the International Association of Rotary Clubs.
Rotary first established Paul Harris Fellowships in 1957, for contributors of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
In 1968, the first Rotary Club banner to orbit the moon was carried by astronaut Frank Borman, a member of the Houston Space Center Rotary Club.
The first Rotary convention was in Chicago in 1910. There were 16 Rotary Clubs.
The first head of state to address a Rotary convention was President Warren G. Harding in 1923, in St. Louis.
In 1979, Rotary began a project to immunize six million children against polio in the Philippines. This led to Rotary making polio eradication its top priority.
In 1988, Rotary began the PolioPlus campaign with an initial fundraising pledge of $120 million.
Providing vitamin A supplements during polio immunization has averted an estimated 1.5 million childhood deaths since 1998 – the "plus" in PolioPlus.
Rotary's fiscal year began the day after its conventions until 1913.  Starting in 1913, it begins on July 1st.
The first Rotary Boys' Week was held in New York City in May 1920, by the Rotary Club of New York.
In 1934, Boys' Week became known as Youth Week, and in 1936, Boys' and Girls' Week.
In 2010, Youth Service became Rotary's fifth Avenue of Service.
During the 1920s and 1930s, Paul Harris traveled extensively, ceremoniously planting trees to symbolize goodwill and friendship.
January of 1911 was the first issue of The National Rotarian.  The name was changed to The Rotarianin 1912, when Clubs were organized in Canada.
The largest Rotary Club is the Oklahoma City Downtown Club with over 600 members.
The fifth Rotary Test: Is It Fun?

Zone Institute Coming to Albuquerque
After an absence of 15 years, the Zone 26/27 Institute will be held in Albuquerque next October 23-25, 2025. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience Rotary beyond our communities and our District… Every Rotarian is welcome to attend the Institute but, based on my experience as a Club President and Governor, Club and District leaders will especially benefit from the Zone Institute experience!
You'll meet Zone leadership as well as Rotary International and Rotary Foundation leaders.  You'll meet Rotarians from our Zones with lots of programs and ideas.  Rotarians from West Texas to Hawaii, from New Mexico to the northern border (even Vancourver, BC) will be there.
Experience peer-to-peer sessions, presentations on topics as diverse as AI, experiences of our Peace Fellow, a Polio Day project, dedicating a Peace Pole and presentation of District 5520 Governor-elect Jeff Weinrach and his wife Clare.
Upcoming Events
Club Meeting
Jimmy's on Jefferson
Jan 23, 2025
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Juarez Club Planning Session with Del Sol Board
Jan 29, 2025
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Rotary Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Kent Cravens
January 25
Greg Hallstrom
January 26
Join Date
Mike Mccaffrey
January 1, 2000
25 years
Kit Turpen
January 6, 1999
26 years
Jeffrey Weinrach
January 7, 2010
15 years
Bill Rothweiler
January 8, 1997
28 years
Ed Robertson
January 12, 2001
24 years
Meredith Eisenberg
January 15, 2018
7 years
John Heck
January 16, 2014
11 years
Chris Van Dyck
January 28, 2016
9 years
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