Meredith, Michelle and other Del Sol Rotarians supported the Kids Matter gloves and hats give-away where hundreds of hats and gloves were given to needy children.  In fact, so many hats and gloves were donated that there were bags left over which will be donated to other organizations.
Michelle with a bag of hats and gloves.
Meredith at the Del Sol table with hats and gloves to give away.
Michelle Dishop-Couch, Cornucopia Adult and Family Services, spoke to our club on December 5th.  She said the organization supports 120 plus clients from 18+ to end of life.  They have been a non-profit since the early 80's.  They provide customized in home support, family living assistance, supported living, a greenhouse and educational classes. For more information or to volunteer, check out their website:
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
Christmas 2024
Another Christmas Party has come and gone but what a great party it was!  Thank you to Brian and Jennifer Huffaker for hosting again this year.  Love the tree and train!  Just like other social events, these give us time to talk to people we may not get a chance to speak to at weekly meeting.  The food was plentiful and delicious.  Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time.  Thanks again Brian and Jennifer.
50 Things Every Rotarian Should Know About Rotary


The bylaws of Rotary clearly outline the procedure for a prospective member to be proposed for Rotary club membership. The "proposer" is the key person in the growth and advancement of Rotary Without a sponsor, an individual will never have the opportunity to become a Rotarian.
The task of the proposer should not end merely by submitting a name to the club secretary or membership committee. Rotary has not established formal responsibilities for proposers or sponsors, however, by custom and tradition these procedures are recommended in many clubs. The sponsor should:
  1. Invite a prospective member to several meetings prior to proposing the individual for membership.
  2. Accompany the prospective new member to one or more orientation/informational meetings.
  3. Introduce the new member to other club members each week for the first month.
  4. Invite the new member to accompany the sponsor to neighboring clubs for the first make-up meeting to learn the process and observe the spirit of fellowship.
  5. Ask the new member and spouse to accompany the sponsor to the club's social activities, dinners or other special occasions.
  6. Urge the new member and spouse to attend the district conference with the sponsor.
  7. Serve as a special friend to assure that the new member becomes an active Rotarian.
When the proposer follows these guidelines, Rotary becomes stronger with each new member.
Zone Institute Coming to Albuquerque
After an absence of 15 years, the Zone 26/27 Institute will be held in Albuquerque next October 23-25, 2025. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience Rotary beyond our communities and our District… Every Rotarian is welcome to attend the Institute but, based on my experience as a Club President and Governor, Club and District leaders will especially benefit from the Zone Institute experience!
You'll meet Zone leadership as well as Rotary International and Rotary Foundation leaders.  You'll meet Rotarians from our Zones with lots of programs and ideas.  Rotarians from West Texas to Hawaii, from New Mexico to the northern border (even Vancourver, BC) will be there.
Experience peer-to-peer sessions, presentations on topics as diverse as AI, experiences of our Peace Fellow, a Polio Day project, dedicating a Peace Pole and presentation of District 5520 Governor-elect Jeff Weinrach and his wife Clare.
Upcoming Events
Club Meeting
Jimmy's on Jefferson
Dec 12, 2024
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
View entire list
Birthdays & Rotary Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Bruce Bortner
November 11
Brian Fisher
November 16
Brad Ekhoff
November 18
Davis Riordan
November 23
Phil DeBerardinis
November 28
Join Date
David Chavira
November 9, 2023
1 year
Aprilyn Chavez Geissler
November 12, 2020
4 years
Tony Pino
November 13, 2003
21 years
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