Posted by James Morrison on Oct 04, 2018
Greetings $FIRST_NAME$,
It's NOT the Ride to End poLLo...that would be chicken! It's polio! My actual rider experience with the Ride to End Polio, instead of poLLo would be more humorous if did not illustrate the problem we have keeping it on the world radar screen. Only 17 polio cases this year. Seems easy enough. But it is not! One fall back and we have an epidemic.
So, 5-6 years ago, during Rotary's immunization program, we somehow missed these young guys (maybe the age of your child or grand child, niece nephew). Who knows why.  Perhaps funding, didn't reach their village or some group banned us from access. They have nice Rotary shirts & hats but terrible braces, forever.
Help us this year when we ride in Rotary's  or better yet, join 100+ Rotarians from USA and around the world on Nov 17 in Tucson, AZ.
Here's the deal:
I will match your gift up to an unspecified amount, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will match our combined gifts, 2 for 1!  So a $30 gift immunizes 10 children.  Now with both matches, it stretches to 60 children!  
Here's the link to donate:  It goes directly to Rotary, is tax deductible and counts as Rotary Foundation contribution.
Maybe next year, we won't miss anymore kids.
Thanks for your consideration.
James Morrison
Paul Harris Society Chair D5520