Club Leadership
Meredith Eisenberg

Over 25 years ago, Rotarians made a promise to the children of the world to end polio. At the time, polio was endemic in 125 countries, and thousands of children were paralyzed each week. Today, polio remains endemic in just three countries and is 99 percent eradicated. A world without polio is just one gift that Rotary will give in in our lifetimes.
Albuquerque Del Sol Rotary is a proud chapter of Rotary International, an organization of 1.2 million men and women worldwide who place Service Above Self and promote world peace, understanding and goodwill. And here, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Albuquerque Rotary Del Sol is resolutely committed to equitable access to resources and education for the children of New Mexico.
Past President
President Elect
Vice President
Sergeant at Arms
Committee Chair
Foundation Chair
New Generations Committee Chair
Public Image Committee Chair
Club Administration
Albuquerque, NM 87109
United States of America